On this page .. I’ll share some tips and shortcuts I’ve discovered..  🙂                                                                 

You may not believe this .. some of my best finds for precious FREE WOOD .. is to keep my eyes open for what other people consider garbage.. usually at the CURB .. oh yes!!… especially chest of drawers.. the hardboard backing is very handy and the wood at the sides and back of each drawer… gold.

Be sure to inspect your finds before hauling them away..be sure they are useful.

Another great source is your local Cabinet making shops. I’ve found they carry many types of wood and usually throw out pieces you can use for your projects.

I befriended one such Cabinet making company .. told them what I did.. offered to make some projects.. and guess what.. I always have a steady flow of good  wood.

Here is a custom truck I made for the company.


Be on the lookout … you never know where wood is going to show up..

                                                                                               Another great source for good 1/4 inch plywood and low cost boxes and other cutouts  is The Dollar Store here in Canada. You can buy complete finished boxes with hinges.You can customise them by removing the lids and Scrolling a pattern into it.       

Example below.. a $2 finished box…made into a treasured gift for an elderly lady named Hilda who loves and always feeds squirrels .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   








The Dollar Store is where I buy green Painters Tape, Elmers Glue Stick, Pencils, Crafters Paint, 1/4 Wood Dowels for use as axels for Cars, Trucks and Hot Rods.

Here is a pic. of the Mag light mounted on the ScrollSaw
























