Born and raised in the West Indies

was a blessing.

I enjoyed a good life..sandy beaches..fresh fish..

fresh fruit and good friends.

I learned to ride horses and owned a few.

It’s an incredible experience ..riding like the wind

on the back of such a magnificent and powerful

animal…God’s creations.

My Dad was an excellent craftsman..

working with wood….

and through helping him..I developed a love for wooodworking .

Fast forward… at 17, my family and I have moved to Canada to live.

A whole new way of life began ..lots more traffic..more people..

this thing called “winter ” not to mention ” snow “, what a difference.

Adjustment came slowly. After being in Canada now over 45 yrs..

I still have to adjust every year to the cold.

I soon started working , living on my own and learning new skills.

In December of 1981 I got married..and God blessed us

with a loving wonderful family… two boys and two girls.

My family is the joy and love of my life.. thank you Jesus..

We have also been blessed with a loving daughter-in love

and a granddaughter .. who is a constant delight.. yes.. God is good..sooooo good.

Well.. that’s all for now… when we meet again you’ll see some

of the woodworking skills I’ve developed over the years.

Here are  a few samples