Hi ..welcome back.. good to see you   🙂

 I’ll be sharing with you a few necessary tools to help make your Scrollsawing projects easier. Other tool will enhance  your work…however they are optinol.

The first thing necessary to start using your Scrollsaw are blades and although the length is usually the same ..approx. 5 inches .. the thickness and number of “cutting teeth” on the blade will vary.

Blade sizes usually are: # 1, 1.0, 2, 2.0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 12…with #1 blade being the finest blade and it’s used primeraly for cutting detailed work in thin wood.. 1/8th to 1/4 inch thick.

My most used blades are #2..#3..#4..and #5.. with #5 being my most go to blade… #7 – 12 are used for thicker wood such as the Rocking Horses and most wood 1 -2 inches thick.

Here are a few pics. to give you an idea of blades and what they look like in in the Scrollsaw…. and a short video of me cutting wheels for the cars and hotrods.                                                                                                                                    


Scrollsaw Blades
Blade thickness
Blade in Scrollsaw








Now..let’s take a look at some other necessary tools… I’ll show pictures after each list..   🙂

A cordless drill is a must.. it’s versatile and portable .. a corded drill  press .. bench top or floor standing is good for drilling  multiple accurate holes.                                                                                                 

                                                                                                                                                  Wood  & Fortsn Bits

Cordless Drill
Floor Drill
Bench Top Drill







One other saw that will come in handy is the JIGSAW. 

Jigsaws are good for larger projects such as this outdoor Nativity Scene.

Screwdriver are necessary.                                                                                          Hammers..used often..                                  



Wood files & Emery Boards                                              Sandpaper .. for sure .. 🙂     




         Dust Masks.. absolutely                                                                       Clamps..must have                        




Painters Tape..yes                                                                      Wood Glue & Glue Sticks ..handy                          




Safety Goggles..absolutely                                     


                                                      Measuring Tape..always



24 !n Ruler..handy                                                                     Square inch Ruler..yes





          Pliers..very useful                                                                                           Magnifying Lamp..very handy




We’ll now look at some other tools that can be helpful but not absolutely necessary

Palm Sanders are helpful…. corded or cordless.. a matter of choice.. 

      Cordless  Sander                                                                                                                       Corded Sander                                                                           Next..we’ll take a look at some heavier pieces of equipment which I also purchased after a period of time..and found them to be quite useful..especially after I started making larger projects..

A Router can be hand held orattached to a router table..used for putting designs on the border of wood ..however they have many other applications.

                       Freehand  useof router…          Router and Router Table….                            Router bits              







Stationary Table Saw
Portable Table Saw

 A portable Table Saw is handy and can be mounted  securely to a workbench.   A stationary Table Saw however… is good for cutting and ripping large pieces of lumber .                                                                                         




           Planer Stan


Planers are usefu.. but not necessary..they’re loud and create lots of dust. Used mainly for making rough surfaces of wood smooth and getting a desired thickness..however..most big box stores like Home Depot/Lowes carry wood in a variety of   thickness that will do for nearly all your projects.


Portable Bandsaw








           Floorstanding Bandsaw                                                                    Well … we’ve been looked at quite a few tools ..haven’t we 🙂 . As I think of any more that are useful and handy..I’ll be adding them ..sodo come back and check in.          .To start… you’ll need your ScrollSaw, a stand, foot switch  and magnifying light.
Add other basic tools as you go along. Over the next few days I’ll add some helpful tips including where I’find  FREE WOOD and low cost tools. 
Click on  HELPFUL TIPS  on the menu bar above. Until then .. I do hope you have a blessed, safe and peaceful day.. 🙂                        God’s very best for you                     Stuart                                                                                                    

                                                                                               Bandsaws are useful for cutting big pieces of wood to size suitable for your ScrollSaw…however use with EXTREME CAUTION . A bandsaw has a blade with very sharp teeth. Always wear protective clothing with no loose pieces.. eye protection and gloves. Best used under supervision and always keep your eyes on the work at hand.. always    

                         Here is a Pic. of the Magnifying Light mounted on the ScrollSaw                                                                                                                                                                                                    
